Nurturing Change

Nurturing Change Volunteer and Internship Application

Nurturing Change Volunteer and Internship Application

Nurturing Change Volunteer/Intern Application

Thank you for your interest in serving as a volunteer for Nurturing Change. The mission of Nurturing Change is to empower caregivers with insight and proficiency in trauma-informed care, in order to provide emotional healing and behavioral transformation to kids. Our treasured volunteers play a vital role in our mission to children and families.

Once we receive your completed application, we will contact you to arrange for an interview so we can identify a service area that aligns with your interests and talents. A background check will be conducted on all board members, volunteers, and interns who have access to children or sensitive agency information. The results of your background check and answers on this application will be kept confidential.

In each of the following drop down menus, please select any and all of the volunteer opportunities in which you would consider serving:

As a volunteer of Nurturing Change, I agree to abide by all policies and procedures as spelled out in the volunteer handbook. I agree that all work I do is on a volunteer basis and I am not eligible to receive any monetary payment or reward. I acknowledge that typing my name into the signature line below qualifies as my electronic signature.