Let's Grow Together to Nurture Change
64% of kids experience one or more Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) including abuse, neglect, family member substance abuse, mental illness, incarceration, domestic violence, or loss of a parent through death, divorce, or abandonment.
Studies show that unresolved childhood traumas result in higher rates of chronic diseases and behavioral challenges in adulthood, including drug and alcohol abuse, unemployment, poor school performance, cancer, heart disease, poor mental health and overall reduced life expectancy.
What if by giving a little now, we could prevent these outcomes that cause families to suffer and pose a tremendous financial cost to our society?
Your gift to Nurturing Change will provide trauma-informed training, support and resources to parents and professionals, in order to bring emotional healing and behavioral transformation to kids.
The training and support you provide will heal the unresolved traumas that lead to chronic diseases and behavioral challenges in adulthood.
Additionally, by restoring connection between caregivers and children, your gift will also prevent additional childhood traumas including abuse, neglect, foster care placement disruptions, failed adoptions, residential placements, and CPS removals.
Parents and professionals who care for children are calling out for trauma-informed training and support. Nurturing Change needs your help to grow so we can meet this increased demand.
Will you consider partnering with Nurturing Change at one of the following levels, or with a gift of any amount?:
***Thanks to a generous donor match, your one-time or recurring gift of any amount will have twice the impact!!!
Family Friend: $25/month (or $300/year)
Kid Encourager: $50/month (or $600/year)
Parent Helper: $100/month (or $1,200/year)
Heart Healer: $200/month (or $2,400/year)
Family Champion: $300/month (or $3,600/year)
Community Transformer: $417/month (or $5,000/year)